Friemily Board - Love Wins! |
Ah, Lent, a very special season, which always brings back memories of my Abuela and her traditional Lenten Friday dinners consisting of (cold) boiled potatoes and sardines with onions. Do not know where that tradition came from, it was just always there. Even when we were still in Cuba. The theory was the money that would have been spent on dinner went to the church. In addition to whatever we put in the collection plate on Sunday. The reason we had sardines was because of the loaves and fishes. Well, I asked, then why didn't we have sardines and bread? Why did we have potatoes? Why did everything have to be cold? (Now, of course, I am thankful we were not served warm sardines, phew!) Why did we do this only (thank God) at Lent? Didn't the church need money year round? I was told I asked too many questions. I heard that A LOT when I was growing up. Still, come Lent, I always tried to have Friday dinner at a (non-Catholic) friend's house. This did not always work out and a lot of times I wound up having, yep, sardines and potatoes. Yum. Now, of course, I would give anything to be at the family table once more, everyone gathered, passing around the plates with the sardines and the potatoes. But when one is a child, one takes such blessings for granted. My Mom teasing my Grandmother about how hard it must have been to catch such fine sardines. My Grandfather grousing about why was there no rice at the table? He was of the opinion if there was no rice at the table, dinner was not served. My Dad asking me about my math homework and me, lying, saying I'd finished it. Which, of course, I had not. Did not like math. Still don't. Come Saturday afternoon it was off to confession where I would, yet again, confess to lying about my math homework. And to being jealous of my friend Beth because she had a brand new baby brother to play with. Big sinner.
Roses for my Abuela |
Getting back to Lent, it is supposedly a season of praying, meditating, giving alms, helping the needy. But that is something we should do all the time, not just a season. I mean, hello? If we are truly following in His steps (as so many claim to do), we should be in the trenches, getting dirty, if you will. No, I don't mean, give up your jobs and comforts and go live under a bridge. I mean living it every day. Not turning away when a homeless person approaches you. I read of a well-known attorney who makes it a point to have singles (as in dollar bills, not people) to give to whoever. Why singles you may ask. Well, once he gave a homeless person a five-dollar bill, the person promptly approached a hot dog vendor who gave the guy a hard time because he had a five dollar bill. Mocking him, saying he must have worked really hard to get so much money. Apparently, they don't question their having singles, but a five dollar bill, well, hey, that's a reason to give a poor shmoe a hard time. I don't get bullies. I think they are teeny tiny-brained people who have no place in the world. And, yes, I know, bullies a great deal of the time are people who have been, or are, bullied. But, you know, there comes a time when you realize that hey, being bullied sucks, so why would you inflict it on someone else? I have never known a happy bully, have you?
I once dated a guy who had a miserable childhood. He did not lack for creature comforts, his family was well-off. But his father yelled at him constantly, pushing him to be better, mocking and belittling him at every turn. His father was, to put it delicately, an equine derriere. He had a beautiful son and made him feel worthless. He grew up brilliant, quite charming. His charm could turn on a dime. You never knew when it was coming. He would lash out, verbally, viciously. Then apologize profusely, blaming it on his childhood. Never got physical, which is why we actually lasted a long time. Too long. At first I would forgive, I felt so bad for him. Having a relative that excels at verbal abuse, I know how hurtful it can be. Luckily I had my parents who ran interference. But his mother just laughed it off. Which added insult to injury. Eventually though, I realized he was always going to do that and I got tired. Tired of the yelling, of the bad words. Tired of family dinners with his parents where his father mocked him and his mother just smiled and drank. Tired of the apologizing and false contriteness. The last yelling episode, I can't call it an argument, because I never yelled back, I would just let him yell and scream himself out, but that last time he started throwing things and I realized, it was time to get out. He was never going to change. That was one of the first times I walked away from someone I loved. I got tired of living with my shoulders wrapped around my neck, wondering what would set him off. I just got really, really tired.
I have known people who suffered much, much worse abuse, physical abuse, hunger, and have become kind, gentle, giving human beings. They chose to stop the cycle with them. It's a choice. Some realize they have a choice and make the right one. Some see that choice and turn it down. Because they are so angry at having been abused and hurt, they want someone else to feel the same pain they did. In the end that solves nothing. Certainly does not give them their childhood or innocence back. But there you go. Still, they are broken, they need to be loved. From far away, sometimes. But, still loved. The fact you have been hurt, sometimes by the very people that should have protected and cherished you, does not give you a free pass to hurt others. Once you grow up, you choose. You can be an equine derriere (I am trying to keep it clean here) or you can be a good person. Good people do not mock, hurt, inflict pain on purpose. Side bar: Why is an equine derriere a derogatory term? Horses are wonderful, intelligent, loyal animals. I'd love to know how that term came into being. I am not going to use that term anymore. It is an insult to horses. Some people are insults to mankind.
There are people who have the reputation for being horrible to deal with. I have experienced that, actually, they turn out to be the nicest if you treat them fairly and with no b.s. See? Keeping it clean, ha! They have really finely-tuned b.s. detectors. You just have to have a little patience. Maybe they have been mistreated in the past, so they put up a defensive front. It's a defense mechanism. You kick before getting kicked. These are people that are tagged as "difficult." I know a few like that. Some have become friends. Others I have never gotten through their shields. Ah, well. Still, I have always been kind to them. These people are not bullies, mind you. They are just loners. I can understand that. I treat people like I would like to be treated. Unless I feel threatened, or witness their threatening or abusing someone, be they two-legged or four or winged. That is unacceptable and I go into Rambo mode. It's not pretty.
Kindness can sometimes be mistaken for being foolish. Big mistake. It irks me when, for example, someone gives a homeless person some money, or a blanket on a cold night, or a meal, and someone else makes a snarky remark saying they are being a fool being kind. I always think, there but for the grace of God go I, or someone I know, love, care about. Once at a red light, I gave some money to a gentleman who was walking between the rows of cars. The person with me said "You're being stupid, he'll just buy some cheap booze with it." I thought, well, so, what? Standing on a corner, on a rainy day, soaked to the skin, holding up a sign, being ignored or yelled at, has got to suck. If the few dollars I give him can give him some bit of comfort, whatever that may be, who am I to criticize? There are so many people hurting these days. They have always been there. I think it is just part of the world, of humanity. There will always be suffering, there will always be bullies, there will always be those that have more than they will ever need and turn a blind eye to their brothers' suffering. But there will always be those who do good, those who will lay their life down for people they don't even know, those who truly walk in His shoes (okay, sandals). They are the quiet masses. They go about their daily lives, routine, quietly, not seeking the spotlight. Not yelling "Here I am! Here I am! Look at me! I'm helping this beggar!"
Love Wins! |
There is a lot of hunger out there. For food, for truth, for love. I always thank the Father every night for getting me to, through and back from work, safe and sound. For protecting my nest, my neighbors, me and mine. Every morning I give thanks to Him for the new day, for protecting me through the night. I thank the Father for little things, hot coffee in the morning, indoor plumbing, my cat who pokes her nose in my face and makes sure I am up on time (whether I want to or not) because she WANTS HER BREAKFAST, that is one punctual feline tummy, I give thanks for my friemily, having a job, the routine of every day. Things we sometimes take for granted and others would sell their souls for. You think you're having a miserable day? Take a walk through the ICU of a hospital. Or Appalachia where people live in what we would call impossible conditions, yet they survive and sometimes even thrive. Spend some time with our troops fighting a war that seems to have no end, in a part of the world where we are spat upon, at times by those whose lives we are there to protect. Whoever says war is noble is out of their mind, war is hell. Noble are those who fight, knowing their lives will never be the same, yet still they go into battle. Willing to put their lives on the line. Witnessing unimaginable horrors. And we wonder why some of them come back so damaged they turn on their own. They willingly put their lives on the line for complete strangers. Isn't that the ultimate random act of kindness?
Light Gives Warmth, So Does A Cup of Tea |
Pretty, Pretty Shoes! |
Okay, enough rambling and ambling, time to make dinner! Soup, wonderful, soul-warming, tummy-smiling soup! Tonight I got creative and made an Alfredo sauce base lightened with a bit of chicken broth, then tossed in corn, mushrooms, carrots and (in honor of Lent) potatoes, but no sardines. Ever. Until next time, be blessed, keep the faith and be kind to one another.
Soup! |