Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Vacation Ramblings or Why I am NOT Reading the News This Week ...

Sigh!  I'm on vacation, disconnected from the world, happily hanging out, sippin' my morning java and decide to check the news, turn on the laptop and BIG MISTAKE.  So, here I am on my well-worn soapbox.  Again.  Sigh.  This was the headline that greeted me:

Obama Reportedly Unaware of World Leader Phone Tapping

Ya think?  He's the leader of the free world and he was unaware of the phone tapping?  What is going on with journalism lately?  I'm all for freedom of the press, but it seems like the press has been overrun by a bunch of addlepated twits who have not a flipping clue about what responsible journalism entails.  They are not even remotely interested in responsible journalism and are far too enamored of the sound of their own jibber-jabber.  Their worst offense, however, is they think the American public is stupid.  How else to explain this type of headline.  I mean, really?  The leader of the free world unaware of world leader phone tapping?  REALLY?  I don't know what I find most insulting, that they are reporting the obvious (we spy on other countries) or that our leader was unaware of it or they really believe we are feeble-brained enough to swallow this drivel! Gasp!  You mean to tell us we spy on other nations?  Nooooo!  Say it ain't soooo!  I am shocked!  Shocked I tell you!  Golly, because I know other nations would NEVER spy on us!

What's next, oh, journalistic oracles, are you going to divulge the names of our undercover agents (let's not call them spies, such a nasty, devious word!) and print them on the front page of your informative publications, so that those poor, innocent, TRUSTING countries (you know, the ones whose denizens take to the streets shouting anti-American slogans, but have noooo trouble accepting our monetary aid or expecting us to send our guys into battle to protect their sorry-cowering-behind- reinforced-walls derrieres) will know the "enemies" in their midst?  Oh, no, no, wait, I know what your next leading story will be, gasp, shock, surprise!  There are huge bodies of water known as oceans out there!  Two are called the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean!  Or, hey too much sugar is bad for you!  Or, wait, wait, really big news ... Politicians lie through their teeth.  How can you tell when politicians are lying?  Their mouths are moving!  Or, gee, how about another scintillating expose on "celebrities" who have become famous because they made a sex tape which was somehow leaked, oopsies! How did THAT happen?  They are now worshipped and looked upon as role models (from hell, but, hey, that's just my opinion).  That one is a particular pet peeve of mine.  Especially when I hear young girls say they want to be just like them.  Really?  I told one of them recently.  You want to be known for having multiple sex partners and filming yourself?  Wow, what a goal!  Your momma is going to be soooooo proud!  As will your future children.  Puhleeze.  Setting that accomplishment bar really low there, missy!

I mean, come on!  Do you really think phone tapping is new?  Or newsworthy?  I may, or may not, be particularly fond of the current administration, but since when is keeping an eye (or an ear) on other countries' governments news?  Do you really believe our president would be unaware of such a thing?  And do you really think other (friendly and unfriendly) governments are not listening in on us?  Really?  Because if you believe any of that, then you should be writing a letter to Santa Claus asking him to please leave ALL politicians, and their toadies, nice presents under the tree this year, because they are such nice, wonderful, honest, law-abiding, family-loving people.  I can't figure out if this article is meant to, yet again, smear the Obama administration, by making him appear foolish for not knowing about the phone tapping or if it's meant to provoke sympathy, causing the public to think "Oh, dear, there they go again, picking on the President!"  Or if the news media thinks we are stupid enough to swallow any of their drivel.  Frankly, I am surprised they haven't brought the race card into it (yet).  Maybe later.  That's another one I am so blooming tired of.  If you agree with something he says, or does, then you are agreeing with him because he's black.  If you disagree with something he says, or does, then it's because he's black.  Okay, does ANYBODY remember he's also half white.  Yes, I think it's great there is (at long last) diversity in the White House, but I sure as heck hope (and I am being way idealistic and unrealistic, I recognize this) he was voted for because he was the right choice (or so the voters thought) and not because he was half anything. Or the lesser of two really, really bad choices.  Do I choose the bad tomato or the bad fish?  Hmmmm, the bad tomato will taste bad, but the bad fish could possibly kill me.  Fugu fish, anyone, anyone?  Yep, I'll go for the tomato!  I have never voted for someone because of their race, religion or ethnic background.  I have always voted for whoever I thought was the best choice.  Or the lesser of a bunch of bad choices.  If you have voted for someone based solely on their ethnicity, race, religion, social background, you, pardon my French, are an idiot.  Maybe your choice is in power, but you are still an idiot and God help them, you.  And us.

How about journalists focus on, oh, I don't know, stuff that really matters.  Like, shoot, let's pick a topic, any topic, anyone, anyone?  Okay, I'll pick.  Because it's my blog.  Let's go with how the recent government shut-down hurt people.  You know, those poor, slogging-away-for-minimum-wage people, or the ones who went without possibly life-extending or life-saving treatment (and are still going without it) because the duck-butts (oh, I do love that expression!) in charge of our government (and I am talking about BOTH parties here, no favoritism) were arguing like petulant six-year olds on the playground.  Let's see who blinks first.  I hope all of you got dry-eyes and now have sandpaper eyelids that itch and scratch whenever you close your eyes.  Let's focus on how a little boy dying of cancer (inoperable brain tumor) wants to deliver teddy bears and laughter to other sick children, let's see him reported on day in and day out.  Instead of crazy like a fox celebrities who prance naked onstage and call it art.  That's my brand, it's my art!  Really, flashing your boobies and other private parts to the world is art?  Hmmm, it must be, since the public laps it up like sour milk at a yogurt festival.  Ugh, bad, bad analogy.  I've stopped watching entertainment shows because they went from being mildly entertaining fluff to truly nauseating.  Honestly, if I saw one more feature on someone's tongue or spitting or butt/boobie flashing I was going to go Rambo.  Or another feature on someone being arrested for drunk driving because, oh, my, they are overwhelmed by the fame.  Well, if you are overwhelmed and feel like getting drunk off your butt, go home, shut the door and get snockered in private.  Don't be out there driving, snockered to the gills, putting innocents in danger ... oh, wait, I forgot, if you do it privately, you don't get your picture in the rags!  I mean, come one, now, you feed off them, they feed off you.  It's a win-win!  Then, FLASH BULB!  It hit me, I can hit the "Off" button .on the remote and problem solved!  Voila!  Why is it society is so captivated by other people's privates?  Could it be because they have a huge, gaping hole in their lives and are desperately trying to fill it?  Only they fill it with trash and it can never, ever fill your soul. Dang, I bobbled and weaved.  Oopsies!

Back to my rant.  Let's focus on veterans who after serving their country are now living under bridges, homeless and unwanted, because their brains are turned to mush and their government, you know, the bureaucrats that turned them into soldiers, basically turned its back on them the minute they served their time.  Politicians and bureaucrats, those red-tape producing buffoons, should be ashamed of themselves.  Oh, darn.  Forgot, in order to feel shame you need to have a soul.  And morals.  Silly me.  Soul, morals, there's no place for them in politics.  What was I thinking?  Yes, these service men and women, they signed up knowing they were heading into danger, but they went and then when they returned, what?  The red tape to get benefits is massive and a lot of them end up homeless, drug-addicted, violent, without focus.  That's the thanks you get for serving your country?  There should not be a need for the Wounded Warrior Project.  There should not be a need for vets asking for donations on the streets and, yes, I am perfectly aware a lot of those are con artists but not all of them.  Just as I am perfectly aware a lot of people on welfare are "working" the system.  A lot of them are not.  Let's not lump people into one miscellaneous blob of miscreants.  The families of our service men and women should not be worrying about putting food on the table while their loved ones are away, possibly getting blown up, or once they are back.  Parents of sick kids should not be worrying about how they are going to pay massive medical bills, provided they are able to find a place which will treat their uninsured, or under insured, children.   Sick people should not be dying due to lack of funds for treatment.  The first question a sick person hears should not be "Insurance card?"  It should be "How can we help you?"

And, yeah, maybe the President was not aware of phone tapping, maybe he was.  Maybe he gave the order, maybe he didn't.  But this type of reporting is just b.s.  Phone tapping, really.  Who cares?  Everyone spies on everyone else.  Forewarned is forearmed, in some cases.  Let's stop this "wagging the dog" style of journalism and focus on issues that really matter.  Sure, you can still print fluff stories about (questionably) famous people who spit, swill, snort, change partners like I change purses and name their babies as if they were farm produce or directions on a compass.  Those poor kids are going to go through hell in school.  Not only will other kids find articles about their parents butt-naked online, but can you imagine the name calling?  Please let's see some real meat and potatoes reporting for a change.

Who was it that said "Speak softly and carry a big stick" ... I believe it was President (Teddy) Roosevelt.  Do you really believe we are respected because we are "nice?"  Uhhh, I don't think so!  We are respected because we are strong.  We just have to ensure that strength does not make us bullies.  But let's get one thing straight, if we are perceived as weak, we are lost. Society preys upon the weak.  We have not yet evolved so much as a race, and by race I mean the human race, that we respect the peaceful, we are still at the point where in order to ensure (relative) peace, we have to arm ourselves for war.  We need to be perceived as not afraid to whack people upside the head with that big stick, fight dirty if we have to, if it entails protecting our own.

We are fighting on oh, so many, many fronts.  Spiritual, moral, religious, family, political.  Let's redirect our attention away from people's private parts and lives.  Let's focus more on issues that really matter, issues whose outcome will affect us as a people, as a society, a world, a planet.  We need to  hold our elected officials accountable, across the board.  I believe in freedom of the press, however, journalists have to acknowledge and work with the fact that with freedom comes great responsibility.  I believe in separation of church and state, let's just make sure freedom (and respect) of religion is part of our society.  I will respect your choice to not believe, you will respect my choice to believe.  You have as much right to cover your head as I have to wear a cross. I choose to celebrate Halloween (candy, candy, candy!) and you will respect and refrain from telling me I will burn in hell for doing so.  Because you really don't know that, do you?  If you have a direct line to the Father, I want to see a signed affidavit saying so. Oh, and since we are on the Father issue, you will also respect the fact I believe Mary is our Heavenly Mother, just as I respect your beliefs or lack thereof.  It's a mutual thing, this respect business.  It's not an exclusion-driven one.

In an article about Hurricane Sandy, a fertility clinic, embryos and babies, in the comments section, one reader said wouldn't it be great if, somehow, there could be a way to save aborted fetuses and give them to people who want babies and are unable to have them.  I thought, wow, way to turn a horrific situation into a Silver Lining.  Instead of death, life.  Instead of destruction, love.  Now, mind you, I am pro choice, it's your body, your choice, your burden to bear.  Whatever your choice may be.  I keep thinking of that young boy who went to church and asked to please, please, be adopted.  Someone said it would have been better if his mother had aborted him.  I thought, no, that child has a purpose, he had to be born.  His plea is a testament to the human spirit.  He had the courage to get up there, in front of the congregation and say I am here, I am here. I will not be broken. Can you imagine the courage that took? There is so much sadness in the world, so many children waiting for a home, a family, a tribe.  Someone I know, good marriage, had three little boys, stay-at-home mom, stable financial situation, got pregnant a fourth time and decided to abort the baby.  It was a mutual decision by both, her and her husband. He had a business trip scheduled and she asked me if I would go with her and I did.  Somehow I thought she would change her mind, but no.  After that day our friendship changed.  I distanced myself from them.  Even though you try, you can't help but be judgmental.  As someone who always wanted to grow up, get married and have babies, I could not wrap my head around her choosing to get rid of her child.  I totally judged her and her husband.  Eventually they moved out of state, we exchanged holiday cards, but really did not keep in touch otherwise.  A few years ago they moved back, coincidentally near my apartment.  I saw them recently in church and we got to talking.  Her boys are all grown up now, two in college, one is graduating from high school next year.  They are a beautiful family.  She asked me if I remembered that day and I said yes, I did and I apologized for having distanced myself.  She smiled and said she loves her boys, her husband, but she has always wondered about that fourth child, if it would have been a girl, what would she have been like.  Choices have a tendency to come back and haunt us.

If you become an American citizen, please do so because you really believe in that oath you will be taking, in that flag, that beautiful, beautiful red, white and blue you will be swearing allegiance to.  When I became a citizen I had to swear I would be willing to bear arms against my birth country.  It was something I struggled with (as did my father which is why it took way longer for him to become a citizen), until I realized if it came to that, it would be because this country, the one that took me and mine in, was under attack and yes, absolutely, I would bear arms against whoever would attack it. I know I come across as Flag-Waving Frannie when I stick up for the U.S., but I lost one country already, I'm not about to lose this one or keep my mouth shut when I perceive it is being smeared, disrespected, attacked.

At work recently I overheard co-workers talking about a funeral Mass where both the American and Cuban national anthems were played and how emotional everyone got.  Totally understand.  Every single time I hear either one of them, emotion is overwhelming and the tears flow.  As anyone who has ever seen me cry can attest to, I do a MAJOR ugly cry. Having sunglasses on helps, but they do not hide the bright red Rudolph the Reindeer nose, blotchy face and swollen lips. Oh, how I wish I had inherited the "glycerin in the eyes" cry, where the eyes grow luminous and glisten, lips tremble prettily.  But nooooo.  I do the Ugly Cry.  Why do I cry?  Well, when I hear one anthem it reminds me of a world that was and will never be again. A world full of joyous laughter and loving family, rhythmic music which sent my parents dancing down the hallway of our house at the beach, days scented with fine tobacco, starched linen, lemony cologne, roses and jasmine blooming, and a dash of "lechoncito asado."  The other anthem reminds me of a world that is, where the flag still flies free, beautiful and proud, of baseball games, hot dogs and Abbott and Costello doing "Who's on First?"  A world which is constantly under attack, but manages to come through shining, head held high. each and every time, a world which must be protected at all costs because although far from perfect, it is the home of millions, and the hope of oh, so many.

Okay, I have vented, raged, spouted.  I'm going to ignore the news this week.  And I think I'll name my next pet Croissant or maybe Peach Pie.

Until next time, be safe, be blessed, keep the faith and pay it forward ... you never know, it may be an angel you are giving that dollar to.

Hebrews 13:2 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: For thereby some have entertained angels unawares.  King James Bible "Authorized Version," Cambridge Edition.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Thankful, Rainy Wednesday ...

My friend Connie regularly does a Thankful Thursdays post on her blog, Rx for the Soul.  I don't have to tell you I am thankful for those posts every Thursday.  Actually, I am thankful for her blog ... and her friendship.  Today I am taking a page out of her book, so to speak, and doing a Thankful Wednesday post.  Or maybe I should call it Winding Down Wednesday, because for the first time in what feels like, well, months, I feel truly relaxed.  Don't know particularly why, I just do.  These past two months, more or less, have seen me majorly (yes, I know, I made that word up, sue me) wound up.  I have been easily ticked off, fed up, seeing the unpleasant side of humanity and, Lord, that is ever SO easy to find these days.  I was pretty well ticked off when I wrote my last post.  Things wonky at work, the world, politicians making asses idiots, darn, can't come up with the right word without sounding rude, but you get the picture, out of themselves.  The news are horrific no matter where you turn.  For the past few months I have felt like I'm treading deep, deep, jellyfish swarming, shark-infested waters, holding my breath until I park my little car at home on Friday and know I do not have to leave my cocoon until Monday morning.  It is only at home that I breathe peace.  Those blessed, all too few, hours when I am home during the week are something I cherish and guard jealously.  I get home, give thanks to the Father for getting me to, through and back home from, work safely.  I light my candle, get into my comfies and breathe peace.  If only for a few short hours.  And Friday night, well, Friday night is just extra-blessed.  Just knowing when I wake up I can do whatever I please. Garden, write, watch a movie, play with my four feline children.  I stretch, get up, make my café con leche and give thanks, as I do every morning.  But weekend mornings are just extra-special.  No agenda, no calendar, just peace, blessed, blessed, joyful peace.

Still and all, I have not been quite centered for a while.  Today started off like every day, get up, feed the kits, shower, café con leche, morning prayer and off to work.  My boss has not been feeling well, but went in today and it was good to see her.  Weather this morning was Fall-like (for my neck of the woods, anyway), but it turned really stormy early in the afternoon.  I was just finishing up reviewing some documents when my boss, who was on her way home, called me and said "Go home, now.  The weather is terrible and it's going to get worse."  I looked outside and it was pouring.  I grabbed some stuff I could review at home and left.  Got drenched in the two steps to my car, but I was on my way home.  Poured almost the entire time, hard rain, it felt like hail at times.  Thankfully traffic, although quite heavy, moved along and there were no accidents (a miracle, truly).  One hour and 50 minutes later I was parking my car.  It stopped raining about 10 minutes away from home and I thought, well, that's enough of that storm!  But about five minutes after I got home, right after I fed the outdoor cats (who seemed rather surprised to see me) the Heavens opened and it has been pouring ever since.

To say I have been tightly wound for a while is to put it mildly.  Yet, today, a few hours ago, when I got home and started to review some work, all of a sudden I felt this peace come over me. When I got home, I lit my "Pumpkin Carving" candle (it's October, pumpkin season!), changed into my "comfies" and turned on my laptop to connect to my firm.  In the middle of reviewing my work, I suddenly felt myself unwind, relax, let go.  I thought, how very, very blessed am I.  It is pouring and I am home, safe and snug as a bug in a rug.  There's a well-stocked pantry and fridge in my cocoon, new posts from two of my very favorite blogs (Frances Schultz' and Hollye Jacobs')  to read once I finished work, kettle happily whistling on the stove, I'm working from home because my lovely boss sent me home early due to bad weather, seriously, how many bosses DO that???  Here I am, home.  With my kits, lovely candle scenting the air, along with a peach pie bubbling in the oven.  I am home.  I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.  And thankful.  Sometimes I get so focused on what is wrong with the world, with society, that I don't see the forest for the trees.  I stop seeing the blessings and see only the inane, the ridiculous, the sheer stupidity that seems to dominate the news these days.  Dweezils being carried around or prancing around naked and calling it "art."  That's not "art" that's a pathetic call for attention, which of course the news media rushes to cover as if it were the cure for cancer.  Art is Picasso, Botticelli, Rembrandt, Redoute's roses (particular favorites of mine), Dali, Cassat (another particular favorite), Gaudí, Monet, THAT's art!  Prancing around naked, no, no, sweetums, that's being a ho and you're not doing it in the name of "art." You are doing it for the "shock" value (by the way, just my humble opinion, but society as a whole should be WAY over seeing people's privates by now, I mean, really?) and because you know it will get and keep you in the news, which you, come on now, be honest, you crave AND for some reason I cannot quite fathom, makes you money!  Hmmm, haven't been in the news for a day or two, let me flash my boobies!  Or worse.  Please, don't tell me that those "oopsies, flashed my privates" moments are real oopsies, nuh, I don't buy that for a second.  What in heck ever happened to underwear???  But, again, I digress.

My ranting at the inanity of the world is not going to fix it.  Sure, it lets off some steam, but it really accomplishes zip, nyet, nada.  It takes the focus off what is really important, health, waking up to another day, faith, joy, laughter, having a job (and a decent boss who sends you home early in inclement weather, calls when you are out sick to see how you are feeling and has your back), a solid circle of friends. It took watching the documentary about Valerie Harper the other night, a news report last night on a street being named in honor of a little girl who passed away from cancer, and finding a little note handwritten by my Mom which says "You are never too old to learn how to live" to make me come to my senses.  I've been in a phhhhtt mood and it has accomplished zip, I am not living, I am wasting precious, precious time and I am not appreciating the gift that Life is.  I am thankful not only because I realized this, yet again, but also because the Father did not, yet again, reach down from Heaven and smack me upside the head.  I am fairly certain he has wanted to do this a time or two (or a dozen) these past few months.  The other day I was rushing off to work and realized I had not done my morning prayer.  For about a nano-second I thought, ah, well, I can do it tomorrow and something just stopped me.  It was like someone telling me "If you don't have five minutes to sit down and talk with your Father, you are in DEEP bat guano, missy!"  So, time was made, lip gloss can wait, morning prayer was said.  Honestly, for the past few days, it's like I have been getting these little messages to wake the heck up and smell the coffee, the roses and the scented candles.  I think I was THISCLOSE to a major smack and narrowly avoided it. Today I was looking at pictures of my godfather online and thinking all that time wasted feuding with his sister and for what?  I believe it was my Guardian Angel yanking, gently, on my ear, letting me know that in my own way I was doing the same darn thing.  I do love my Guardian Angel.

Which brings me to this post.  Today is the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, according to a Catholic website I get emails from.  I believe in angels.  I have believed in them all my life.  One of my first memories is of my Mom cutting silohuettes of angels out of beautiful gold and red foil (it was almost Christmas Eve and she was decorating our dining room walls), they were playing trumpets and harps and she told me when we were asleep they would play beautiful music to give us sweet dreams.  I loved that idea.  A picture similar to this one was in my bedroom as a child, I loved the angel looking out for the children.  I believe in Guardian Angels and I know for a fact mine works overtime ... a LOT (and am willing to bet some of the time is heard to mutter "Why, why, why?").  Maybe it was my Guardian Angel finally getting through to me today, telling me to relax, all is well, we are loved.  Our Father is in charge, it is not my job to rant and rail at what I perceive as idiocy and foolishness.  It is my job to follow His rules, to do unto others, to do what is right, even though at times it makes me feel like a walking, talking anachronism.  Ah, my Guardian Angel is most wise and patient.  And for that I am most thankful.

Until next time, be safe, keep the faith and be kind to each other!