Hot Cocoa with Marsh-a-Mallows!
Have been keeping a low profile since late Thursday, dealing with a rather unpleasant bug. Woke up Friday morning feeling like a semi had rolled over me, backed up and rolled over me again, several times. Emailed my boss saying I was feeling off, would be in as soon as I evened out. Bless her, she told me to stay home, keep an eye on things remotely, she'd call me if anything came up. So, I stayed home. The day was rainy, cool, grayish, with the sun coming out once in a while. Decided to make a big pot of my "cure-all" homemade chicken soup. Soup simmering on the stove, remembered I had a peach pie in the freezer and into the oven it went. Lit my candles and settled into the sofa with a stack of magazines, mug of hot cocoa at hand.
Peach Pie, Looooove Peach Pie!
Late afternoon my neighbor called, her girls (big fans of Cake Boss) were making a red velvet cake and she had some questions. She came over and borrowed some silicone molds. I went back to my cozy-comfy couch and can I just say, God bless whoever invented Puffs tissues? Spent the rest of the day guzzling chicken soup, orange juice over ice, taking cat naps and snuggling with some very snoozy cats. Headed to bed early.
Pink Tootsies!
Saturday morning woke up feeling a bit better. Had my morning cafe con leche. Took a shower, changed my pj's, put on my pink and orange sockies and it was back to the sofa, this time settling in for a Downton Abbey marathon, Season 3. The Boys, Miss Millie and Smokey all settled in with me. Had a lovely phone visit with my lovely friend and neighbor, Miss Miuri. A while later there was a knock on my door and there was my other lovely friend and neighbor, Miss Josefina. She came bearing gifts, some truly delish red velvet cupcakes. We visited, making plans for going shopping next weekend and cooking up something delicious. She left after a little while. I snuggled into the sofa again, red velvet cupcakes close at hand. Bliss.
Yummo Red Velvet Cupcakes
I have many Silver Linings in my life, my neighbors are a major Silver Lining. The other day speaking with Miuri on the phone she said "I went to Mass and prayed for you." She has no idea how that truly touched me. Miuri praying for me, calling to say hello and how are you, Josefina and her family inviting me into their home to share holiday dinners, taking me shopping at Costco, red velvet cupcakes when I'm feeling "ugh," acts of kindness which heal one's heart and feed one's soul. Kindness is so needed in today's world, which can be a harsh place at times. How lucky and blessed am I to not only have good neighbors, but neighbors who truly take an interest in me, share meals, care about me, call to see how I am feeling AND bring me deeeeeelish cupcakes. I know if I need someone in the middle of the night they are there for me. They have taken me in as one of their own. Silver Linings all over the place!
Comfy-Cozy Sofa (note the snoozing felines)
I love my sofa, it is comfy, cozy, cushy and has soft, squooshy pillows. The cats are of the same opinion. Sitting cozily snuggled into my sofa last night, I realized the recipe for a Nippy, Rainy Weekend, for me anyway, is comprised of snuggy comfy socks, chicken soup, lovely neighbors, orange juice, hot cocoa and red velvet cupcakes. Add a comfy-cozy sofa, an entire season of Downton Abbey and a dash of snoozy cats thrown in for good measure. Stir well, enjoy. I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.
Well, it's Sunday night, time to get ready for the week ahead. My freshly dressed bed awaits, pillows and comforter fluffed. A new week dawns, let's make it a good one!
Until next time, pay it forward, keep the faith, look for the Silver Linings, be kind to each other and blessed, blessed, blessed be.
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