Christmas Candlelight |
Well, children, it has been a lovely Christmas! Yesterday friends came over, everyone dressed in their holiday finery. Hugs, chocolate cake, presents, cats running around getting into wrapping paper, candles scenting the air. Followed by a deeeeeelish dinner with my lovely neighbors, everything was SOOOO good! Presents were opened, it was Minion Mayhem. Must confess, I love them. Best thing of all was sharing Nochebuena with this wonderful family, seeing the look of pure joy on their youngest's face when she opened her presents, their oldest giving her parents a hug when she opened her presents, their tree twinkling merrily. We feasted and talked, talked, talked. Food for the tummy, for the heart, soul. We took our elderly neighbor a Christmas dinner plate, which I know he enjoyed. They walked me home, I changed into my pj's, lit my candles once more and settled in to watch Christmas movies. What did we do before DVRs?
Beautiful Miuri and Her Lovely Family |
Miss TippyToes and Her Beloved Minions |
Handmade Peruvian Nativity Scene |
Love my PJs and Angel Pin! |
Today I woke up feeling sludgy, weeks of averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night finally caught up with me. Got up, had my morning cafe con leche and got right back into bed. The felines approved, they snuggled right in, yawning, stretching and then curling up. Have spent a snoozy, relaxing day. Watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for the bazillionth time. Never gets old. It's a Christmas tradition! Had a very late brunch, yummmm! Oh, yeah, totally a Pajama Day! Especially since I am sporting my spiffy, wonderfully cozy, soft as a baby's blanket new pajamas, pale pink and printed with little cats running all around. Have I said I love my neighbors? I do, I do. They love me, they feed me and got me the coziest pajamas ever! I must have been good this year, because Santa has been just lovely, comfy cozy pajamas, a gorgeously glittering angel pin, a beautiful print I'd been eyeing for months from Most Marvelous Magical Fairy GodMother She of the Whimbles, deliciously scented sniffies, monogrammed accoutrements and towels for my powder room from my lovely co-workers, a most marvelous present from my lovely (yes, I know, I use that word a lot) boss, scented candles galore, two days at home in the middle of the week, family to share with, we are blessed, we are blessed, we are blessed. Watched scads of schmaltzy Christmas movies. Dashed off an email to my lovely boss, who I have not called thinking she may be resting. I do hope she is feeling better and a much-planned trip can take place.
Cozy Comfy Sofa |
Time to hit the sheets, tomorrow it's back to the office, but hey, it's a two-day work week! How lovely is that? Oish, I am so nicely nested in my cozy comfy sofa, maybe I'll just snooze a bit right here. Ooooh, this weekend is a Fairy GodMother Weekend! Must bake a lemon/caramel/white chocolate pound cake AND Snickerdoodles! Combined with a Pajama Day, now that's a recipe for a Perfectly Wonderful Weekend.
Wishing all a peaceful, joyous Christmas! Until next time, be kind to each other, keep the faith and BELIEVE!
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