Saw an article on the web,, under the Good News tab, and had to write about it, For 28th year, man hosts Thanksgiving dinner for strangers. If you get a chance, read it, guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies. It is about a gentleman by the name of Scott Macaulay who has hosted Thanksgiving dinner for 28 years (since 1985) for strangers by placing an ad in the newspaper saying if you are alone on Thanksgiving, come on by. It started the year his parents got a divorce (he was 24 at the time). He thought nobody should be alone on Thanksgiving, so why not open his home to people that had nowhere to go? The tradition has continued. He's gotten people from all walks of life, from EMTs to cancer patients, low income families, nursing home residents to police officers to recent arrivals to the U.S. Everyone is welcome. I love this man! He prepares everything by himself, ensuring that everything is up to health codes and that wherever he holds his dinner (as the numbers have increased, he has had to change venues) looks like a home, bringing in furniture, lamps, candles, tables, making everything look cozy and homey. He welcomes all. He does this all himself, does not receive (or accept) contributions, wants to stay in the background. Does not seek the limelight. Now, that, my friends is a walking, talking example of Christian values, of what human values should and can be. Wow, what a nice story to wake up to, especially on this day. There is hope for humanity after all.
Today when we gather round the table and give thanks for all our blessings, let's give thanks for people like this gentleman who restore one's faith in people.
Happy Thanksgiving! A Happy and Most Blessed Hannukah! Let's be kind to each other and keep the faith!
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